Honey is made from the nectar of flowers gathered by worker bees, brought back to the hive, and capped inside the comb. The beekeeper removes the cap, extracts the honey, and pours it directly into the bottle never filtering out the good stuff (pollen, bits of wax, propolis). Processed honey has been heated and filtered removing these precious nutrients from the honey. Some processed honey even has additives such as processed sugar, molasses, or corn syrup.
Raw honey is an instant energy-building food that contains up to 80 different essential nutrients including the B complex group, amino acids, enzymes, and vitamins A, C, D, E, and K. The live enzyme content of raw honey is one of the highest of all foods, and according to some research, it contains antimicrobial and antibacterial factors.
Various sources claim that honey may possibly:
- help with seasonal allergies;
- heal wounds, burns, cataracts, skin ulcers, sores, and scrapes;
- provide a protective barrier for wounds;
- kill bacteria and germs;
- reduce inflammation; and
- soothes sore throats.
*These claims have not been verified by FDA. For questions about the health benefits of honey, speak to your healthcare provider.